Short Survey on the Research Base for Population Projections (IIASA)

Short Survey on the Research Base for Population Projections (IIASA)

Invitation to participate in an innovative program to improve population projections by completing a short on-line survey

Population projections are without doubt among the most broadly used results of professional demographic work. Yet, the definition of assumptions about future trends in fertility, mortality and migration has (in the words of Nathan Keyfitz) “never been fully integrated with the main body of demographic theory and data”.

In a recent survey of national statistical agencies in the EU virtually all stated that there is a significant need for better integration of the large amount of important substantive demographic analysis carried out in academia and the production of population projections. By spending 25 minutes of your time you can make a significant contribution to help to overcome this situation and move the field forward.

Below you will find the link to an online questionnaire that will ask you to evaluate the validity and relevance of some pre-specified substantive arguments about the forces that are likely to drive future changes in fertility, mortality and migration. You are invited to choose one of these topics according to your expertise for one country (or region) of your choice. Depending on the country chosen you will be directed to different questionnaires for high and low fertility and mortality settings. If you are interested, you can choose to answer for other components as well (which will naturally then take more time)

Please go to to find and complete the questionnaire. Twenty five minutes of your time will make a difference for improving the research base for population projections.

Technical note: This questionnaire has been tested for current versions of all popular browsers. Versions of Internet Explorer older than IE 8 are unsupported. For the newest versions of the most used free web browsers, see

For any other questions feel free to contact Ms. Katja Scherbov at IIASA (